To sum it up, I think I would of rather had a blank slate than the mess the former owners left behind. I pretty sure I have about 5 different species of grass growing back there, none of which are the intended kind. The dogs have left it pitted and smelling fresh as a baby's bottom after a number two. Needless to say, something had to be done. So "Project Backyard Rehab" was put into action. We started out with building a nice little garden in the dog run, and cleaned it up little to make the area somewhat serene. Then we took to removing all the ugly attempts at landscaping around the perimeter. After that, the rocks, the oh so many rocks were attacked. Our backs took a kicking from those rocks. At this point our backyard wasn't so sticky anymore, and the work was starting to pay off. The next task was to kill the lawn and kill it good. Something must have been wrong with my sprayer, as it should have been good for at least 3000 sqft, and I only got through a third of my 1000 sqft lawn. So off to the store to get some more. Fast forward to the present, and we now have a beautiful lush yellow lawn just waiting to get ripped up. Still waiting on that Home Depot truck to able to pick up the sod cutter. One small step at a time and before we know it, we'll be enjoying a nice, new, enjoyable backyard. I'll keep you updated on the progress as it happens.
Kids were loving the worms during the digging.
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